Walk the Lines

“Walk the Lines” is a new initiative from Texas AG candidate Justin Nelson to END partisan gerrymandering. Organize a walk, run, ride, or pub crawl along your district line today! #WalkTheLines

Voters should pick their politicians,
not the other way around.

Gerrymandering impacts all Texans, regardless of party.

Gerrymandering corrupts our democracy.  It undermines the integrity of the electoral process. Our current lines are intentionally ridiculous–designed by politicians to give unfair advantage and to discriminate.

That’s why I’m excited to announce our campaign’s “Walk the Lines to End Gerrymandering” Initiative.

 “Walk the Lines” will highlight how the consequences of gerrymandering touch all other political issues and impact all Texans. Through walks, runs, pub crawls, bike rides, and other neighborhood events, we’re going to work with local communities to spotlight why fair districts matter to all Texans, regardless of party. But we need your help.

Here’s how you can get involved:

For now, we’ve got two ways you can get involved: the #WalkTheLines hashtag, and local “Walk the Lines” events.

1. Use the #WalkTheLines hashtag

What do your district lines look like? How has gerrymandering affected your district?

Use the hashtag #WalkTheLines on Twitter and Facebook to join the conversation!

2. Organize a “Walk the Lines” event

Volunteer today and we’ll help you plan a local “Walk the Lines” event that shows first-hand the absurdity of the gerrymandered district lines in your area.