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Gerrymandering Undermines Democracy

Justin Nelson for Attorney General - Subtle Logo

Voters should pick their politicians, not the other way around.

As you know, gerrymandering puts our democracy at risk by drawing political boundaries to give one party an advantage over another.

Today the Supreme Court heard arguments in the Texas redistricting case. On days like these, it’s especially important to remember that democracy exists for all citizens to have a voice; for all citizens to have representation.

Gerrymandering undermines the integrity of our democracy.

Ending gerrymandering should not be—and historically has not been—a partisan issue. Discrimination based on your political beliefs is wrong. My opponent Ken Paxton has been indicted for fraud. Perhaps even worse, he’s been using the power of his office to increase power for himself and his special interest friends.

Help me put an end to corruption and these political power grabs. As Attorney General, I will stand for the integrity of ALL TEXANS.

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